Geographic Assistant Section Manager – defined

Geographic Assistant Section Manager (ASM-Geo)

The intent of the geographical assistant section manager positions is to assist with communications between the section manager and peer section appointees and their assigned geographical areas. It is important for the geographical ASM’s to communicate their activities related to another section appointee’s responsibilities to that person and to ensure that they are supporting the goals of that section appointee. Some examples of responsibilities may include:
1. Attend club meetings and present to clubs, and other organizations as requested, regarding section activities.
2. Develop an email distribution list of those in the assigned region interested in receiving communications from the section manager and passing those notices along as they are received.
3. Communicate concerns from members of the assigned areas back to the section manager and/or responsible section appointee as necessary.
4. Support and encourage the development of affiliated and special service clubs and ARRL membership within the assigned area.
5. Encourage the development and assignment of additional appointees within the assigned area, to include technical specialists, public information officers, local government liaisons, and official observers, passing recommendations on to the responsible section appointee. ASM’s may request appointment of individuals to assist them in their assigned area in these positions as well.
6. Support ARES/RACES programs when requested, understanding that the ASM position is not within the ARES/RACES chain-of-command.
7. Provide news to the section manager from the assigned area and their activities for publication in the section news, section website and/or email to section.
8. Attend a variety of amateur radio events in the assigned area, when possible, as a section representative. Communicate event information to the section manager when it might be important for her to attend.
9. Assist section manager in personal presentation of affiliation certificates and appointment certificates at club meetings.