Public Information Officers’ Key Role in Emergency/Disaster

ARRL Public Information Officers (PIOs) play an important role in promoting amateur radio throughout an emergency or other crisis, and reporting on the good work of our fellow volunteers. PIOs can even be effective gatekeepers between ARES volunteers and the media, allowing operational people to keep doing their job during an emergency.

During the active hurricane season now under way, the ARRL Headquarters Emergency Response Team is monitoring storm activity, and Section leaders are being encouraged to share activation reports, news of ARES net activations including frequencies of operations, names of ARES groups called up, shelters being opened and staffed, numbers of operators involved or needed, etc., with section PIOs and ARRL News, which has posted stories including summaries from the Hurricane Watch Net, Section Emergency Coordinators, Section Traffic Managers, and ARES teams in the field.

News and media hits mentioning the response of radio amateurs should be emailed to You can also share your media hits via this reflector – so we can all learn together. It’s helpful to see what attracts the attention of the media. Media hits are regularly posted by ARRL at PIOs and PICs in affected and nearby Sections and Divisions are encouraged to follow information updates from their Section Emergency Coordinators and Section Managers. Remember, it’s always best for PIOs and PICs to have a well-established relationship with Section leaders and ARES groups BEFORE an emergency. A well-coordinated effort ensures PIOs and PICs get the information you need to share with news and media outlets. Finally, if you are a designated spokesperson for an ARES group or other Section emergency group, make sure you have some basic info before speaking with the media. Review public information with served agency PIOs when possible and when required. – ARRL HQ