I’m happy to report that the Oregon HamWAN program has received an
ARDC grant of $88,000 to expand its digital communications network. The
project aims to enhance amateur radio digital and emergency
communications capabilities between Portland and Salem, Oregon.
The nonprofit plans to expand its digital communications network by
deploying 12 network backbone distribution sites between the two cities.
Eventually, the sites will connect to the Puget Sound Data Ring, which
currently extends from Seattle to Vancouver, Washington. The network
would allow emergency management personnel to communicate in the event
of a disaster, such as a major earthquake, that disrupts
telecommunications systems. In such cases, amateur radio operators will
be able to quickly set up network nodes where they are needed to provide
emergency communication via the Oregon HamWAN digital network.
ARDC is a California-based private foundation that supports innovative
amateur radio projects. The foundation makes grants for projects and
organizations that follow amateur radio’s practice and tradition of
technical experimentation in both amateur radio and digital
communication science.