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The Oregon Section ARES team consists of 6 Districts and 22 active ARES counties/units. The Oregon ARES leadership will not be operating in a strict hierarchical structure. All levels of leadership will have a voice. The new SEC will be working with the DEC’s to define their specific role.
Section Manager
Scott Rosenfeld, N7JI eMail
Section Emergency Coordinator
Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ eMail
Section Assistant Emergency Coordinators
Mitch Bayersdorfer W7MDB
Larry Clark N7LJC (Exercises and Training)
Thomas Noel KF7RSF (Technology and Standards)
Ed Bodenlos W7EWB
Pat Roberson W7PAT (Advisory)
District Emergency Coordinators
The District program is in the process of being revived.
District-1: Kurt Roth, W9ERT eMail
District-2: Vacant (looking for candidates)
District-3: Stuart Bottom, K7FG eMail
District-4: Steve Duck, KW7S eMail
District-5: George Roth, KE7MVX eMail
District-6: Cyndi Albro, KK7AZD eMail
AuxComm and ARES Units and their Emergency Coordinators
Below you will find a number of ARES sites across Oregon. Each site represents the efforts of a group of dedicated Amateur Radio operators to assist their local area in emergency communications efforts.
If you have an AUXCOMM, ACES, RACES, ACS, or group by another name, that does not wish to be part of the ARES program, but would like the coordinator of your county group to be listed here, please provide the name of the county group and the name and call sign of the coordinator to Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ eMail and you will be added.
Benton County – EC Anthony Odenthal, KE7OSN eMail
Clackamas County – EC Steven Jensen, KE7GXC eMail
Clatsop County – Clatsop County AuxComm Coordinator Mike Brumfield, W5MMB eMail, ARES EC Mike Neelon, WA7MGN eMail
Columbia County – EC Ed Bodenlos W7EWB, eMail
Coos County – EC Gary McElroy, N6BLU, eMail
Deschutes County – AUXCOMM Unit
Douglas County – EC George Roth, KE7MVX eMail
Harney County – Harney County AuxComm, Coordinator Linda Watts, KF7CIS eMail
Hood River County – EC Rob Garrett, W7NKZ eMail
Jackson County – Operations Coordinator Lee Merwin, KI7NBQ eMail
Josephine County – EC Joe Stodola, AA7JS eMail
Klamath County – EC Cyndi Albro, KK7AZD eMail
Lincoln County – Lincoln County ACS Coordinator Daron Wilson, N7HQR eMail
Linn County – EC Dan Huber, KN0MAP eMail
Marion County – Marion County AuxComm Coordinator and EC John Fowler, KJ7VWB eMail
Morrow County – EC Dennis McKenry, KI7CUS eMail
Multnomah County – EC Deb Provo, KK7DEB eMail
OEM SCU – EC Ken Kurth, N7XAO eMail
Polk County – Polk County ARES: EC Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ eMail
Tillamook County – Tillamook County AuxComm: Coordinator John Beaston, K7TY eMail
Umatilla County – EC Alan Polan, KE4TRR eMail
Union County – EC Tyson Brooks, W7BL eMail
Wallowa – (joined with Union Co)
Washington County – EC Bill Lennox, KD7EFP eMail
West Lane County – EC Chris Sorensen, N7GYL eMail
Wheeler County – EC Stuart Bottom, K7FG eMail
Yamhill County – EC Josh Scott, W7JMS eMail