Section PIC/PIO

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Greetings Fellow Hams,

My name is Jon Wanzer, KK6GXG and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the section as Public Information Coordinator and Public Information Officer. In these roles, I hope to be of assistance to all amateur radio groups in the section by supporting group PIOs and helping those groups without a PIO fill the role and mentor new PIOs.

We have a large and diverse amateur radio community here in the section. Many in our numbers have amazing technical skills and talent. It is important that we share our skills and talents with other hams, as well as others interested in radio and technical topics. One way we can accomplish this is by serving as an Elmer in your local clubs and groups. Another is by making sure people have an opportunity to see how we are advancing radio art and science and serving our communities at public events and in emergencies.

This is where the group PIO can be of service. The job of a PIO is an important one, ensuring that the group’s participation in activities, events, and emergencies is recorded and reported, on social media, websites, and in the press media. We are the face and voice of the groups we serve, the source of information for the press, providing them with an accurate and consistent message.

In social and volunteer organizations the office of the PIO is often overlooked, an afterthought, or considered a secondary task for leadership if we have the time. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Every club, ARES unit, and emcomm group, ARRL affiliated or not, should have a PIO. The PIO is a key part of recruitment, public awareness, positive image, and media engagement. It is an important job and finding a qualified PIO can be dificult, however, a person dedicated to amateur radio and your group who is detail oriented, organized, and has a little skill in social media, can be mentored in this position. The ARRL has an online PIO class PR-101: Public Relations 101 for Radio Amateurs and resources for PIOs that are available to all.

Over the next several months I will be reaching out to groups in the section to see how things are going and if I can be of any help, helping you spread the word in your community. If you have any questions, or would like assistance getting a PIO up and running in your group, please contact me, I am happy to help.

~Jon Wanzer KK6GXG HH 12365 HOIP 100094
P ‪(541) 205-9909‬ C (408) 515-3583
Assistant Section Manager, Southern Oregon
PIC/Public Information Officer, Oregon Section
ARES Emergency Coordinator, Klamath County