ARRL Section Managers Prepare for New Terms When the nomination period for the summer ARRL Section Manager election cycle concluded on June 9, 2023, there was only one candidate for each of the Sections up for election. The following incumbent Section Managers were declared re-elected to new 2-year terms starting on October 1, 2023: Kevin […]
Author: Scott Rosenfeld
New ASM Chief Of Staff appointed
Effective immediately, Everett Curry, W6ABM, has been appointed as the OR Section ASM – Chief of Staff. He will be handling both ARES and ARRL issues as needed. Please provide any assistance as required.
Additional Duties for ASM – N and ASM – S
Effective immediately, both ASMs with have an additional ARES District assigned to them: Russ Garett, KD7MPK, ASM – North, now has (Dist 1, 3 & 4) Jonathan Wanzer, KK6GXG, ASM – South, now has (Dist. 2, 5 & 6)
New Section PIC/PIO Appointed
Effective Aug 15th 2022, Jonathan Wanzer, KK6GXG, has been appointed at the OR Section PIC/PIO. Please provide all assistance possible as he takes on his additional job.
SK Notification – W7EEI
Ted Seble, W7EEI was 89 at the time of his passing on 1/27/22. He will be interned at Willamette National Cemetery, date TBD. Ted had enjoyed the hobby since his early teens. He had been a member of ARRL for over 50 yrs and a longtime member of Clackamas Co ARES.
Silent Key Notification – AA7DD
It is with great sadness that I have to report that Don Drayton, AA7DD, became a Silent Key on Thursday, December 17th, 2021. Don was a staunch supporter of ARRL and ARES. He was appointed Emergency Coordinator for Morrow Co, OR on June 3, 2014, and was also appointed District Emergency Coordinator for OR ARES […]
SK notification
PHIL KANE K2ASP (SK) We are sorry to report that OTVARC LIFE MEMBER and TRUSTEE on our Board of Directors, PHIL KANE K2ASP became a silent key on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. Phil was 84. He served as an engineer and attorney and was well known in the Ham Radio and Broadcast communities. Cards may […]
Salem Hamfair – Feb 19, 2022
The Salem Hamfair is on for February 19, 2022. This event is organized by the Salem Repeater Association and the group is tentatively planning to operate it in the same manner that Swaptoberfest was operated, by Mid-Valley ARES, so tickets are unlikely to be sold in advance since we do not know what the status […]
ARRL Oregon Fall S.E.T. notice
The ARRL Oregon Section will be conducting its Fall Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday October 9th. 2021 from 0900- 1300. Details will be forthcoming!
The full explanation of the upcoming licensing fees by the FCC
The schedule of FCC amateur radio application fees likely will not go into effect before 2022. FCC staff confirmed during a recent virtual meeting with Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) that the agency is still working on the necessary changes to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) software and other processes and procedures that must be in […]
New ARRG repeater – Metro Portland area
Today the Amateur Radio Relay Group / K7RPT finished the installation of our new repeater on 444.4000 Mhz (100) in Wilsonville, OR. Our thanks to the ground crew at WCCCA, the antenna crew, Marc W7PM, Ron KJ7IY, Warren W7JDT, Barb WB1ARB for their time and work to get this repeater operational The repeater is linked […]
ARRG’s new DMR repeater
The Amateur Radio Relay Group (ARRG) and I84 Group collaborated on the installation of a new open DMR Repeater on South Saddle Mountain near Forest Grove, Oregon last week. The repeater will operate under the call sign K7RPT on the UHF frequency of 440.8125 MHz with a Color Code of 1. The repeater, microwave […]
Reminder: ARRL Field Day is June 26-27
Get out and have fun!
Emergency Coordinator appointment – Union County
Effective 6/13/21 Tyson Brooks, W7BL, is appointed to the position of Emergency Coordinator, ARES for Union County, OR. He will be taking over for Jason Fouts, W7JSN, who has done a great job serving as the EC for Union County. Please give Tyson all the help possible as he settles into his new job!
ARRL Field Day – June 26 & 27 2021
For complete details go to: