Author: Scott Rosenfeld

A Word To The Wise!!!!!!

QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 13  ARLB013 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT  April 21, 2021 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB013 ARLB013 FCC Issues Enforcement Advisory: Radio Users Again Reminded Not to Use Radios in Crimes On April 20, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau issued a new Enforcement Advisory, repeating the admonishments contained in […]

ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio

ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio 01/17/2021For over 100 years amateur radio and ARRL — the National Association for Amateur Radio® — have stood for the development of the science and art of communications, public service, and the enhancement of international goodwill. Amateur Radio’s long history and service to the public has solidified the well-earned reputation […]

Assistant Section Managers (ASM) – new appointments

Effective Aug 4th, 2020, (3) personnel have been assigned as Assistant Section Managers (Geographic) to fill in the gaps with the vacant District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) slots. This assignment will be for regular ARRL matters as well as the operational side of Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES). The appointees are: Russ Garrett, KD7MPK,  Russ […]

ARO training – Additional information

The ARO training has been discontinued for active requirements for this Section because of the duplication of materials in the ARRL EC-001 course. The ARO course can still be taken as additional training information, but without certification or paperwork.  However, a message was received today that stated: (by Don, AA7DD, DEC-3) Comment: The EC-001 is […]

Geographic Assistant Section Manager – defined

Geographic Assistant Section Manager (ASM-Geo) RESPONSIBILITIES The intent of the geographical assistant section manager positions is to assist with communications between the section manager and peer section appointees and their assigned geographical areas. It is important for the geographical ASM’s to communicate their activities related to another section appointee’s responsibilities to that person and to […]

A Proud Tower

This is my Rohn 25 tower that is 70′ high with an Explorer-14 w/40m add-on and a GP-6 dual-band on top. I also use it for a flag pole and as you can see there are two wonderful flags proudly waving in the breeze. (Click Read More to see the tower)  

ARES Training

As we continue our stay-at-home restrictions, you can continue your ham education by watching some of the Dave Casler videos. Dave has an extensive collection of videos that he has done and I am sure that you will find some that are interesting, fun filled, and very educational. You can also Google the YouTube program […]

ARES Operational

NEW APPOINTMENT: I am happy to announce that Mike Brumfield, W5MMB will be the new Clatsop Co EC starting July 1, 2020. He will be replacing Don Hillgaertner, WA7TEM who is stepping down due to family issues. Mike had the approval of the county emergency management and the ARES group in the county. I am […]

ARES Administrative

All AEC and DEC personnel are reminded that the ARES Form 4: Monthly Section Emergency Coordinator Report+ is due on the 5th of every month and needs to be sent to the Section Manager with accurate and detailed information. Section #11 the report is where you need to mark TOTAL HOURS: and fill in the […]

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